Unlocking Nature’s Potential

Sensient’s Cardea™ product range was developed to meet manufacturers’ demands for advanced clean label colouring solutions. Due to the unique composition of recognisable natural ingredients the entire formulation is free of additives and preservatives. Thanks to the unique composition and the natural synergies of the ingredients, the Cardea™ products deliver stable bright shades in food and beverages.

  • Bakery
  • Beverage
  • Confectionery
  • Dairy
  • Dry Grocery
  • Processed food
  • Panned applications
  • Savoury
  • Advanced clean label colouring foods
  • Completely additive- and preservative free
  • Based on natural ingredients
  • Supporting “all natural product” launches
  • Excellent performance and stability
  • Attractive bright shades

Colouring Foods

Bright Attractive Shades With Colouring Foods

Colouring Food products from Sensient are based on concentrates and extracts from specially selected edible plant sources with unique colouring properties. Originating from traditional foods such as vegetables and fruits, all products comply with the NATCOL Code of Practice for the Classification, Manufacturing, Use and Labelling of Colouring Foods (EU). During manufacture very careful processing is used to secure the sensitive pigment components of the natural raw materials.

Colouring Foods
  • Bakery
  • Beverage
  • Confectionery
  • Dairy
  • Dry Grocery
  • Instant Drinks
  • Processed food
  • Dry-mixed Beverage
  • Fat-based systems
  • Other powdered food
  • Panned applications
  • Pet food
  • Savoury
  • Clean label compliant
  • Bright, attractive shades
  • Wide range of products
  • Excellent stability
  • Advanced colouring efficiency
  • For wide range of applications

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