The Global Natural Trend

In Europe, where natural colour is widely used, and has long become ‘the norm’, companies are now seeking out colouring foodstuffs to even better align with European consumers’ perception of “natural” and clean label. In Europe, colouring foods or “colouring foodstuffs” are considered ingredients rather than additives and do not carry an E number classification. The EU Guidance Notes on Colouring Foods, published in 2013 has been a key driver of the use of colouring foods. Consequently, Europe is currently the clear number one region for food and drink products launched with a colouring food ingredient:

“In Europe, where natural colour usage is so highly penetrated, companies are now seeking out colouring foodstuffs to even better align with European consumers’ perception of “natural” and clean label.”
Dairy and Sugar & Gum Confectionery are the leading categories for food and drink products using colouring foods, followed by Desserts & Ice Cream.

In Europe for many years, we have consistently been gaining extensive experience in using natural colours. The company roots of Sensient Food Colours have an over 70 years’ history in the development of natural products in Europe. Finding just the right colour shade, shade brilliance and performance within the respective applications is our priority. We are therefore able to offer an extensive line of stable colour solutions that have proven across the food and beverage spectrum, and closely follow the latest trends and developments.
Learn more about our latest expansion to our colouring foods portfolio here.