A Global Outlook on the
Continuous Scrutiny of Carmine
Consumers Continue to Avoid Artificial Ingredients
According to the Nielsen Global Health and Ingredient Sentiment Survey conducted in the first quarter of 2016, consumers globally say they try to avoid these top-three ingredients:

These three topped other “out of favor” ingredients like sugar, sodium, gluten, and saturated fats, suggesting a global mindset more focused on removing synthetic ingredients than other nutritional issues. As for colour, I find it interesting that emerging market regions like Asia-Pacific and MEA are more concerned about artificial colours than either Europe or North America. A lot of attention has been placed on major natural colour announcements coming from large U.S. packaged food brands, but this is truly a global shift.

Changing Perspectives on Carmine
Against the backdrop of more global demand for colour from natural sources, one of the most stable and best-performing natural colourants is coming under increasing scrutiny. I am referring, of course, to carmine and cochineal.
Carmine has been a popular choice for natural red colour in Europe for a long time. It has been a very effective alternative to synthetic colours. Recently though, the colour has come under a more critical view. In the European market, vegetarianism is growing too. Additionally, the demand for Halal certification is on the rise, and there is a segment of consumers who are somewhat turned off by the idea of using insects as a food colour source. Together, these trends have limited the appeal of carmine. Equally concerning is the apprehension around aluminum content in laked carmine and EU regulatory restrictions.
“Due to potential legislation changes and consumer demands, more food manufacturers look for Carmine-free alternatives.” @SensientColorNA

Carmine in Other Parts of the World

cochineal insects on cactus
US general population thinking about their life 10 years ago, the following is somewhat/very important to how they make their food and beverage decisions
Source: NMI H&W Sensient Survey 2017

Importance of Plant-Based Food Colouring

Looking Ahead