Lunar New Year LTO Trends to Hop On

Across Asia Pacific, Lunar New Year is one of the most highly anticipated and celebrated festivals on the calendar. Each country has its own unique customs and traditions to celebrate, yet one thing that transcends borders is the importance of food. Meals arranged are for gathering together with relatives and loved ones. Many hosts take pride in the snacks and drinks they serve. For manufacturers, this presents an opportunity to get creative in Limited Time Offering (LTO) Launches to display a fun and innovative side of the brand to wow consumers.


of Singaporeans aged 18-24 look for new foods/flavours to try all or most of the time


of Chinese bakery shoppers would be interested in trendy packaged pastries that are popular on social media


Visual appeal and quality of taste become especially important to match the
grandeur of the festivities and many use this as an opportunity to impress guests. In
the age of Instagram and TikTok, the right product could also potentially reach a
much wider audience through word of mouth, without much cost to brands.

Here are some examples straight from the Sensient
Lab that will give you some inspiration:

Cheese Biscuits
in Festive Shapes

In the Year of the Rabbit, we chose an auspicious
bright orange to complement our delectable cheese
flavor. The carrot shape also brings out a fun element
to the theme, made even better by our recipe’s,
crunch factor! This format can easily be adapted to
the different zodiac animals with a little creativity.

  • Natural Paprika Orange Color
  • Cu-Chlorophyllin Green Color
  • DairyBoost Cheese Flavor

Lychee Mandarin Tea Drink

Inspired by two of the most popular fruits in season,
the juicy lychee and sweet mandarin form a perfect
thirst-quencher for hot days. Natural black carrot is used to
achieve the pleasant pink-red color that will look perfect on social
media feeds!

  • Natural Black Carrot Juice,
    Pink-Red Color
  • Lychee Flavor
  • Mandarin Flavor
  • SweetEase™ Technology

Calamansi White Chocolate
with Color Crystals

As Lunar New Year also signals the arrival of Spring
,a crisp flavor like Calamansi can bring elegance and
refreshing qualities to your usual white chocolate.
Color Crystals also add visual and textural appeal
to the overall sensory experience.

  • Calamansi Flavor
  • Peridot Color Crystals

Grapefruit Pineapple
Jelly Drink

Young ones will love this perfect blend of tropical sweet and sour,
packed in a convenient pocket form. Natural extracts from
ingredients like Guayusa also come with energy and immunity
benefits to power you through a long day of house visits.

  • Natural Lemon Yellow Color
  • Grapefruit Flavor
  • Sweet Pineapple Flavor
  • Guayusa Extract

Ready to turn your fortune around?
Contact our sales team to see how we can co-create and make this new year a prosperous one!

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