Color Glossary

E Number
The official numbering system for various food additives established by the European Union.
System similar to the INS, but adopted by the European Union (hence the “E,” as in “Europe”). INS and E-number have the same numbering system, but additives that are not yet approved in the European Union have no E-number.
A key authority of the European Union, responsible for food safety risk analysis, including animal feed. It has the support of national authorities. The EFSA promotes independent scientific information and clear communication on existing and emerging risks.
Elderberry Juice
A common vegetable source of anthocyanins used for food use. Shades range from red to purple depending on the application and pH of the product.
A mixture of two immiscible liquids. In emulsions, one liquid is dispersed throughout another liquid, known as the continuous phase. Everyday examples of emulsions include: vinaigrettes, milk, and mayonnaise.
See Grape skin extract.
See FD&C Red #3
Exempt from certification
Exempt from certification are classes of colorants often referred to as “natural colors” by the industry. They are sourced from fruits, vegetables, animals, and minerals or are synthetic duplicates of naturally occurring compounds.
External D&C
Part of the nomenclature for a class of certified colorants in the USA. Colorants with this name are generally allowed for use in drugs and cosmetic applications for external use.