Global Ingredient Certification Program Ensures Food Safety

Food Safety is Always Top Priority
It’s almost become a refrain: food safety is more important than ever before. While some may tire of hearing it repeated, the landscape of this industry is constantly changing to further emphasize the significance of safe, authentic ingredients. Consumers want to feel confident that when they select food and beverage products, brands have tested and approved each ingredient.



feel big food companies are more concerned about profits than food ethics

(Mintel 2020)


report being concerned about product safety

(GlobalData 2020)

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want companies to keep them updated on how they keep products sanitary

(Mintel 2020)


Sensient has always been committed to offering our customers the highest level of confidence in the safety, authenticity, and quality of our products. Safety and integrity are core values at the heart of who we are as a company. We know how important it is to put safe, authentic products on shelves for consumers, especially in the food and beverage industry. That’s why Sensient developed Certasure™.


Certasure™ is our global ingredient certification program, created to inspect botanical raw materials for the highest levels of food safety. Combining stringent quality testing, comprehensive vendor certification, full raw material traceability, employee safety, and best manufacturing practices enables Sensient to ensure colors from natural sources meet all required quality, safety, and authenticity requirements, regardless of region.

Having partnered with a team of experts to create these protocols, we are confident that the standards to which we hold all botanical raw materials facilitate consistent product safety and quality on a global scale.


Watch this video to learn more about our industry-leading food safety program:


The importance of food safety cannot be understated. Through programs like Certasure™, we hope that the food and beverage industry can continue to protect consumers, employees, and brands.

If you are interested in working with natural colors held to the highest safety and authenticity standards, request a sample to get started. If you have questions about Sensient’s food safety measures or how you can protect your own consumers and employees through similar protocols, please schedule a consultation with our team. We’re passionate about safety and excited for the future of natural ingredients!

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